
방사능 거미에 물려 초능력을 얻게 된 피터 파커. 뉴욕시에서 범죄와 싸우는 슈퍼히어로의 임무도 다하고 평범한 일상도 지키려는 그의 이중생활이 시작된다.

영화에 출연한 배우들 Spider-Man 모든 배우 보기

Spider-Man 리뷰

This actually lives up to the hype that people are throwing at it today. The only thing that comes close to reviling it was Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends. It was amazing, the action was great, the story telling was great and fit the character perfectly, especially circa 90s Spider. And, lets face it, the production values are out of this world compared to the cartoons that you get today.. and the stories are deeper and less condescension to children than you would ever find today. It ran for 4 years, 94-98, and it dropped at the very end, it dropped at the end of that era where cartoons assumed that Children could understand things, and didnt talk down to them. It was absolutely wonderful


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