
2008년 1월 AMC에서 방영을 시작한 범죄 스릴러. Breaking Bad는 막가기를 뜻하는 미국 남부 지방의 속어이다. 한때 노벨화학상까지 바라 볼 정도로 뛰어난 과학자였던 고등학교 화학 교사 월터 화이트는 자신의 50세 생일 날에 폐암 3기 진단을 받는다. 어느 날 동서와 함께 마약 단속 현장을 참관한 그는 현장에서 달아나는 옛 제자 제시를 발견한다. 뇌성마비에 걸린 고등학생 아들과 임신한 아내를 위해 제시에게 동업을 제의한 월터는 자신의 화학지식을 이용해 전례없는 고순도 고품질의 메스암페타민을 제조한다.

영화에 출연한 배우들 Breaking Bad 모든 배우 보기

Breaking Bad 리뷰

Wow....where to start. Not really into DRUG inspired shows. But this one had me from the start. The only bad about this show was the split seasons when it was a first run show. But now you can go right through to the next episode with out having to wait.....MUST WATCH ! !


Ill be honest, at first when I started this TV show and finished first season, I didnt like it. It felt boring for me and I stopped watching, but after few years, I decided to give it a chance and continue. Im so happy because of my decision, because after finishing this TV show, I can definitely tell that it was a masterpiece! 5th season is a bomb and 14th season was shocking! It left me with sad, euphoric shock feeling. It was mind blowing! Im not gonna spoil you what happened, but if you started first season and you dont like it, for goodness sake, give it a chance and continue watching. I promise you wont regret. Characters are very well developed. Acting is superb! Plot is very interesting. Whole TV show is tense, especially the last season. The only downside I can think about is camera. Sometimes its shaking on some certain scenes. I dont know why they didnt pay attention to this, but this is nothing, just a very minor minus. Everything else is great about this TV show.


Started out really good, but dropped quality after the second to last season


This is the kind of TV show for the formula lovers who want to feel superior. There is an air of the superiority complex of the drug knowledgeable crowd in this series about a smart guy breaking into the drug trade. His talent makes him the important cog in the machine. He can call his shots. Still, the ruffians give him a rough way to go, because criminals really are stupid. Once they learn that they are nothing without him, he gets his way. Much like a Western town blacksmith, hes the needed ingredient. However, things get very formula early on in the show. And theres always this sense of a superiority complex from the sort of people who push shows like this onto their friends and acquaintances. The directing writing team tap into the control freak crowd very well. But it is a dull show about dull people.


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