
영국 군인이 범죄 혐의로 기소됐다. 그의 사건을 맡은 끈질긴 젊은 형사는 사건에 얽힌 심층적인 음모를 밝혀내기 시작한다.

영화에 출연한 배우들 The Capture 모든 배우 보기

The Capture 리뷰

A tense British thriller in the vein of Spooks which I loved. Also similarly, its difficult to tell who are the good guys and who are the bad guys. Does the end justify the means? or is there no end? At the heart of this is the ethics of using cutting edge but very real technology by shadowy powers on the periphery of law and government. Paranoid and plausible - a worrying combination.


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