
A suburban couples ordinary lives are rocked by the sudden discovery that their children possess mutant powers. Forced to go on the run from a hostile government, the family joins up with an underground network of mutants and must fight to survive.

영화에 출연한 배우들 The Gifted 모든 배우 보기

The Gifted 리뷰

after watching the first episode of this program I am not afraid to admit that if it keeps going like this we are in for a huge action show and very enjoyable experience I am so ready to watch more of the story and you are sure going to enjoy this for sure if you keep an open mind you will for sure enjoy it this completely blew my expectations out of the water and I was spellbound cant wait for more of the story

dr cherry peper

At first, the series seemed cool. The pilot is a great sell to keep a new viewer. However, as it keeps going, even before the end of first season, the show turns into a boring repetitive plot or a dragged story-line with deliberately inserted over-sexualised/slutty characters probably to hook simple-minded male viewers. The reason it deserves some credit is that its well done enough to be a great alternative to Marvels new competing shows with annoyingly preachy writing. Also, the graphic effects are moderately done. Its nice to have a competitor to Marvel. If you want true deeper mutant show however, Ill consider *Legion* instead. Its ways better. **This is what you get when you buy X-men from Wish.com but plastered it with a hot blonde**


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