Richard John Chaves is an American character actor. In the early 1980s, he began work as an actor taking on various soap opera roles until he gained a role in 1987 as Poncho in the science fiction film Predator. Soon afterward, his career received another boost with the role of Lt. Colonel Ironhorse in the television series War of the Worlds. Chaves once calculated that the volume of fan mail he received outnumbered the rest of the cast members by a four or five to one ratio.
Iron Dog
Film 1987
Turkish Officer
Film 1988
Film 1996
Film 1985
Nolan Esherman
Film 1986
Film 1985
Army Lieutenant
Film 1981
Film 1994
Film 2004
Tv 1982
Carlos Mendez
Tv 1986
Tv 1984
Special Agent Samuel Mills
Tv 1993
Tv 1981
Tv 1994
Colonel Paul Ironhorse
Tv 1988