Lekha Washington is an Indian origin film actress and product designer, who has appeared in Tamil, Hindi, Telugu and Kannada language films. She was first recognised for her work as a sculptor in 2002 and then as a theatre actress in Chennai based stage plays. After appearing as a video jockey with SS Music, Lekhas breakthrough film role was as an independent estranged sister in Jayamkondaan (2008), whilst she has gone on to portray roles in the multi-starrer Vedam and the comedy Va.Lekha Washington born to a father of mixed Burmese, Italian and Punjabi ancestry, Kenneth, and a Maharashtrian mother, Geeta. Despite the mixed heritage, Lekha has stated she considers herself South Indian due to her upbringing and speaks English and Marathi at home.
Neha Sharma
Film 2015
Film 2013
Film 2010
Film 2018
Film 2007
Saraswathi (Saro)
Film 2010
Brinda Sekhar
Film 2008
Film 2010
cameo role
Film 2007
Meera Chandrasekaran
Film 2013
Megha Sharma (Guest Appearance)
Film 2014
Uncredited Role
Film 1999
Film 2013