Opis Terminator 2: Dzień sądu Polski

Terminator 2: Dzień sądu ma w głównych rolach Arnold Schwarzenegger (The Terminator), Linda Hamilton (Sarah Connor), Edward Furlong (John Connor), Robert Patrick (T-1000) Film, w ramach którego jest produkowany Carolco Pictures, Pacific Western, Lightstorm Entertainment, Le Studio Canal+ . Nakręcony w następujących lokalizacjach: Bayside Parkway & Gateway Boulevard, Fremont, California, USA . Kraje produkcyjne: France, United States of America Gatunek filmu: Kino Akcja, Kino Thriller, Kino Sci-Fi

Jeden z największych przebojów w historii kina. Wielki krok w przyszłość w dziedzinie efektów specjalnych. W przyszłości trwa wojna ludzi z maszynami, które przejęły władzę nad światem. Jedyną nadzieją ludzkości jest charyzmatyczny przywódca Ruchu Oporu, John Connor. Obawiając się go maszyny wysyłają w przeszłość nowy prototyp cyborga T-1000 (Robert Patrick), który ma zgładzić młodego Johna Connora (Edward Furlong). W ślad za nim Ruch Oporu wysyła stary model Terminatora (Arnold Schwarzenegger) przeprogramowany tak aby bronił młodego Johna.

To nic osobistego.

Opis dostępny w innych językach Terminator 2: Dzień sądu

en de ru fr it hu tr es pt zh pl cs el ko ro (Movie Translated)

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Słowa kluczowe filmu
man vs machine cyborg shotgun dystopia moral ambiguity post apocalyptic future villain time travel mental institution juvenile delinquent fictional war urban setting troubled teen morphing nuclear weapons shape shifter savior catch phrase aggressive action hero good versus evil 1990s 2020s 21st century action girl action heroine african american ally alternate history alternate reality android anger apocalypse arcade game argument artificial intelligence bare chested male battle black comedy black man blonde blood blood splatter boy brunette bullet hole california car car chase car driving cgi character name in title character says i love you chemical cigar smoking cigarette smoking colon in title computer courage death deception desert disarming someone dream sequence dysfunctional family escape exploding body exploding building exploding helicopter explosion extreme close up famous opening theme father son relationship female protagonist female warrior fight fight the system fight to the death final showdown flashback four word title friend friendship future girl gore gun gunfight hand to hand combat handgun held at gunpoint hero hidden gun hostage husband wife relationship idealism independent film kidnapping kiss knife lasersight lava little girl long haired woman los angeles california love main character dies male nudity married couple martial arts melting minigun mother mother son relationship motor vehicle motorcycle murder neo noir nuclear explosion nuclear war number in title on the run photograph pistol pokies police police badge police officer ponytail post apocalypse promise psychopath psychotronic film pump action shotgun race against time sword shapeshifting second part sequel winchester rifle voice over narration scientist survival subjective camera security camera self sacrifice violence suicide robot shootout showdown rescue slow motion scene writer director producer running telephone time traveler tough girl wristwatch skeleton team redemption reference to michael jackson time machine rocket launcher repeat sequel the terminator character traffic terminator the terminator television security guard strong female character title spoken by character watching tv surveillance sunglasses usa warrior swimming pool telephone call redhead threat sniper tattoo trust social commentary swat team shot in the face arm cut off baton car motorcycle chase shirt video arcade bazooka bulletproof vest sparks riding motorcycle villain not really dead cliche empty gun billiard cue contemporary western underage driving spilling coffee tough woman dragging someone robot as menace arm cut mental ward chasing a car thumbs up gesture security system dirt bike african american family cocking a gun child driving a car billiard table smashing a telephone
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