Film The Return of the Cisco Kid (Tytuł oryginalny The Return of the Cisco Kid) ma w głównych rolach Warner Baxter (The Cisco Kid), Lynn Bari (Ann Carver), Cesar Romero (Lopez), Henry Hull (Colonel Joshua Bixby), C. Henry Gordon (Mexican Captain), Robert Barrat (Sheriff McNally), Chris-Pin Martin (Gordito), Adrian Morris (Deputy Johnson), Soledad Jiménez (Mama Soledad), Harry Strang (Deputy), Arthur Aylesworth (Stagecoach Driver), Paul E. Burns (Hotel Clerk), Victor Kilian (Bartender at Stage Stop), Eddy Waller (Guard on Stagecoach), Ruth Gillette (Flora (blonde with Gordito)), James Pier Mason (Juror), Max Wagner (Brings in Rustler) Data premiery filmu to 28.04.1939. Film, w ramach którego jest produkowany 20th Century Fox . Kraje produkcyjne: United States of America Gatunek filmu: Kino Western
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