
Detektyw z wydziału zabójstw dowiaduje się, że jest spadkobiercą grupy łowców zwanej Grimmami. Ich celem była ochrona ludzkości przed nadprzyrodzonymi kreaturami i innymi siłami zła. Detektyw okazuje się być ostatnim żyjącym łowcą i tylko on może pokonać mordercze stwory, które przedostały się z kart książek do naszego świata.

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Grimm recenzje

This is the kind of show that my father (rest his soul) loved and the childhood me would also have loved...and for the same reasons. It did world building right and that world was intricate. As a child I would have been all over that in the same way that my father was in his final years. It has a long list of species and cultures that interact with one another and...there is something really fun about that. There is also something appealing about sitting back and explaining that world to other people in the room that didnt watch it from the start. Unfortunately I have a couple of degrees, I studied history, I watched Science Fiction (and became addicted), and I read comic books. By the time it got to me I had hundreds of worlds like that in my head that I had to keep track of and, though it was entertaining, it was really the fact that it was one more complex world that I had to keep track of. So I watched it in spurts while visiting my father, and I enjoyed it, but more importantly, I can see why it had the appeal that it did and completely respect people like my dad that loved it.


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