
Fifteen years after the events of the feature film, Kyle Craig is assigned to go undercover in an elite squad of the LAPD as Detective Frank Rourke’s trainee to spy on him and report on his off-book methods. As Frank starts teaching his principled trainee the way of the streets, they form an uneasy alliance that will change the course of both their lives irrevocably.

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Training Day recenzje

First off, it was doomed to failure from the start. Training Day wasnt a good movie, it didnt have a good plot, it didnt have a good story. What it had was Denzel Washington giving one of the best performances in recent memory. He did an epic job, and its that work that made people like the movie. People didnt watch Training Day because it was good, they watched it because Denzel was great. And Training Day without Denzel... sucks. No one is going to be interested in it, because it was a meh at best, with a performance from ONE man that people still talk about. Give it another 20 years, people will probably still be talking about Denzels performance in Training Day. Lets be honest, they dont watch it for Ethan Hawke. People dont even watch it because they like the movie, they watch it because they loved Denzels role in the movie. But it was also 2017, and they had to race swap the bad guy, which people were already starting to roll their eyes at back then. Its also a big red flag. Washington was LEGENDARY in the movie, and that couldnt be made today because hes... Black. There, I said it. Denzel Washington is Black and because of his race, we could possibly be deprived of another legendary performance because villainy in Hollywood is exclusively reserved for white men. Let that sink in for a moment. The best role of 2001, a role that Denzel nailed, a role that he will go down in history for... and it cant be made today because Denzel is Black. Maybe they would cast him in Hawkes place, but that wouldnt give him the ability to pack the punch he had in the film. That role just wasnt as good, he couldnt take it away like he did. So, 2017 comes around, they race swap the character and they attempt to make the film into a TV series without the one thing that people care about, the one thing that people liked about the movie... Denzel Washington.


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