
Gdy samolot lotu KA29 zostaje porwany podczas siedmiogodzinnej trasy z Dubaju do Londynu, Sam Nelson, doświadczony negocjator korporacyjny, próbuje wykorzystać swoje umiejętności, by uratować wszystkich na pokładzie. Czy ta ryzykowna strategia nie skończy się porażką?

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I came to this series predominantly because Idris Elba is the lead character. Im a big fan of his work, so its somewhat disappointing not be able to offer a resounding endorsement, of Hijack. I do feel that hijacking as a foundation, for a film, can work in 90 or so minutes of screen time. In a multi episodic, series, I believe its a hard sell. How much can you make story wise of the confined conditions of an aircraft? As Im seeing not a lot and the end result, unsurprisingly, starts to feel as exhausting and monotonous, as a long haul flight. Its not the actors fault, nor is it the writers, theres really only so much you can say. In summary, well acted but hamstrung by the basic premise the series is built upon. I personally think it would have worked a lot better as a 90 or so minute, made for TV film.


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