
Po śmierci matki nastolatka przeprowadza się do małego miasteczka, by zamieszkać z babcią. Po pewnym czasie odkrywa, że pochodzi z rodu czarownic.

Aktorzy i aktorki z filmu Tajemny Krąg Zobacz wszystkich aktorów


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Tajemny Krąg recenzje

To be honest, I was skeptical at first about this TV show, because of teenagers and magic. I thought it would be same boring TV show like Vampire Diaries, but boy, I was wrong. Even after watching first three episodes it gets quite intense with fast pace episodes. Characters are well developed and actors deliver quite well acting. Plot is interesting and you want to watch episode after episode until the very last episode. I was really shocked & sad to find out that this TV show got canceled. Very underrated TV show. I wish they could at least make a reboot.


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