Prawdziwa historia trzech żołnierzy Korpusu Piechoty Morskiej Stanów Zjednoczonych, którzy walczą z Japończykami na wyspach Pacyfiku podczas II Wojny Światowej.
Well, it is no where as good as Band of Brothers, but the focus is too different. It doesnt stay on a single company and because of that, you kind of dont get what you expected... ...and what you expected is Band of Brothers in the Pacific theater and, well, without the same company to follow through the war, it doesnt give you that feel of brotherhood that made Band of Brothers so loved. However, you do get a sense of how brutal it was, much more so than the European theater. And that is another source of complaints. People thought it was carnage candy when, the Pacific was actually just carnage. So, really, its a misunderstood cousin.
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Pacyfik 2010 - The Pacific Seriale w języku polskim
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