Misery Loves Company is an American sitcom television series that aired from October 1 until October 22, 1995.
Aktorzy i aktorki z filmu
Christopher Meloni
Christopher Meloni
Christopher Peter Meloni (born April 2, 1961) is an American actor. He is best known for his role as NYPD Detective Elliot Stabler on the NBC police drama Law & Order Special Victims Unit until 2013, and later reprising the role (as a series regular) on the 2021 spinoff series, Law & Order Organized
Maria Elena Bello (born April 18, 1967) is an American actress and singer. She started her acting career in small off-Broadway plays, such as The Killer Inside Me, Small Town Gals with Big Problems, and Urban Planning. Bellos big break came when producers Kerry Lenhart and John J. Sakmar cast he
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