A previously successful entrepreneur, Mak Tai Song searches for his mentors wife, Sheh Mo Lin and helps pay off her debt because he feels guilty for his mentors death. Meanwhile, Tong Kat pleads Mak Tai Song to mentor him, hoping to accomplish something for his fathers billionaire company. Song ends up mentoring Tong Kat on a part-time basis and take shelves of good wine as payments. Song then gets chased down on making payments for She Mo Lins debt by Lam Miu Miu, the debt collection agent. The conflicting personalities of Lam Miu Miu, a wild spender and Mak Tai Song, a free-loader, causes many laughing moments, and finally both fall in love with each other. When Lam Miu Miu thinks things are finally turning out the way she wants, she gets confused by Songs sudden changes and evil-tactics against Ngon Jo Lin, Songs half-brother. Perhaps Songs long-lost childhood will change him entirely and make him more distant to Lam Miu Miu.
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