
Życie mieszkańców małego miasteczka zmienia się pod wpływem tajemniczej śmierci Jasona Blossom (Trevor Stines), syna najbardziej wpływowych ludzi w Riverdale. Archie (K.J. Apa), Betty (Lili Reinhart), Jughead (Cole Sprouse) i nowa uczennica Veronica (Camila Mendes) starają się odnaleźć w nowej sytuacji. Kiedy wszystkie tropy lokalnej policji prowadzą donikąd, znajomi zmarłego próbują poznać tożsamość mordercy. Tymczasem w miasteczku rośnie napięcie, a mroczne sekrety jego mieszkańców zaczynają wychodzić na jaw.

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Riverdale recenzje

There is a lot to like about Riverdale, but it may not be right for the most loyal fans of the Archie comics. There are major changes here as Archie is updated to current American culture. Still, the core relationships ring true. The cast is outstanding with some familiar faces among the parents. The central focus of season 1 is a murder mystery. Although somewhat unexpected for Archie and the gang, the story effectively introduces the characters and relationships while establishing a Riverdale universe that will serve the series well for many seasons to come if renewal beyond season 2 occurs. So sit back and enjoy high school life with twists and turns in a town called Riverdale that provides a mysterious and provocative setting.


With every season its getting worse and worse.


**Music** good, not bad as far as music goes. but story omg 1st season was good. 2nd was ok. 3rd was so bad cant even dare to watch the 4th. Half the time story made no sense. Sometimes it feels like they shot this scene as a filler. Very disappointing story.


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