
Situado na América moderna, a série oferece uma nova e dramática visão da jornada de mudança de vida de Will, das ruas do oeste da Filadélfia às mansões fechadas de Bel-Air. Deixando para trás a única casa que ele já conheceu por uma segunda chance em um lugar desconhecido, Will vê sua vida virar de cabeça para baixo ao encontrar novos desafios e preconceitos em um mundo de riqueza e aspiração.

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Bel-Air comentários

A Shallow copy of the original plots with no emotional depth Anyone saying this is original has a bad working memory of the Fresh Prince. They recycle so many storylines in this show sometimes multiple old storylines per episode. The only difference is theres no depth and its extra dramatic. The characters have no room to grow and I dont see why or how were supposed to care about any of them. Maybe if this wasnt tied to the fresh prince it couldve been original and stood on its own. Really its just bad rehashed fresh prince plots with added drama that feels as fake as the characters. The family sitcom had more heart and realistic drama than this show will ever be capable of. The casting is also so off the mark, the fan made trailer ( that will copied to make this show) had better casting. RIP Uncle Phil, try as they might they will never get close to James Avery or the heart he brought to the role. Not to mention Geoffrey is knock off Edris Elba and has a man killed. Its just utterly ridiculous drama bait that disrespects the complexities of the original sitcom. It is sad to see Will understands so little about what made the original great. Also you can feel the Will Smith Scientologist elitism coming through the screen.


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