
Derry é uma pacata cidade que foi aterrorizada por um ser conhecido como A Coisa, um demônio que pode se transformar em um palhaço e se alimentar dos medos das crianças, suas principais vítimas. Um grupo de sete crianças conseguiram derrotá-lo no passado, mas 30 anos depois A Coisa reaparece na cidade. Assim, os sete amigos se juntam novamente para combater essa apavorante ameaça, pois eles juraram fazer isso caso esse ser maligno voltasse. Porém, este juramento pode custar suas vidas.

Atores e atrizes do filme It: Uma Obra-Prima do Medo Ver todos os atores


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It: Uma Obra-Prima do Medo comentários

I was thoroughly underwhelmed. The fault may lie with me somewhat there, as I read the book first and had a certain level of expectation which I know never to do. But the rest of the responsibility I level straight at Tommy Lee Wallace and his film, which is just not that great. It does however, feature an astounding performance from the peerless Tim Curry as the pieces titular villain. _Final rating★★ - Had some things that appeal to me, but a poor finished product._


Loved this moving growing up. I wasnt even scared of this movie as a kid. In Milwaukee WI we had these woods that my friends and I called stick land. There was these creepy abandoned house in the middle of it. We used to act like that was Penny Wises lair. The sucky thing was though is that we all got lice all the time from it lol. They all float down here and you will too!

Andre Gonzales

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