Título original

Animal Control


Returning Series


22 minutos

Em produção


Número de episódios


Número de temporadas


Tempo de execução

22 minutos / episódio

Release date


Última data de exibição


  Último episódio a ir ao ar




Classificação TMDb

Observação 6 de um total de 43 votos
6 Estrelas

Idioma original



A group of local animal control workers lives are complicated by the fact that animals are simple, but humans are not. Leading the crew is Frank, an opinionated, eccentric animal control officer who may not have gone to college but is still the most well-read person in the room. In his past life as a cop, Frank tried to expose corruption in his department, but his efforts got him fired, leaving him cynical and curmudgeonly. Despite his rough exterior, he is blessed with an almost superhuman ability to understand animals.

Veja a série de TV Animal Control

Animal Control - Český

Český - Czech

Animal Control

Tato komedie pro jednu kameru sleduje skupinu pracovníků místní kontroly zvířat, jejichž život komplikuje skutečnost, že zvířata jsou jednoduchá, ale lidé ne.

Animal Control - Deutsch

Deutsch - German

Animal Control

"Animal Control" ist eine amerikanische Sitcom, in der eine Gruppe von Tierschützern in Seattle zu erkennen beginnt, dass ihr Leben durch Menschen und nicht so sehr durch Tiere kompliziert wird.

Animal Control - Español

Español - Spanish

Animal Control

Esta comedia de una sola cámara sigue a un grupo de trabajadores locales de Control de Animales cuyas vidas se complican por el hecho de que los animales son simples, pero los humanos no lo son.

Animal Control - Français

Français - French

Animal Control

Le quotidien d'un groupe d'employés de la SPA dont la vie est compliquée par le fait que les relations avec les animaux sont simples, mais pas celles avec les humains !

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