
Quando adolescente, Nikita (uma menina muito perturbada) foi resgatada do corredor da morte por uma agência conhecida como ‘Divison’. E a ela foi oferecido uma nova oportunidade. No entanto, com a promessa de que Nikita serviria ao seu país, ela acabou descobrindo que estava sendo treinada para se tornar uma assassina classe A. Enquanto isso, a Divison continua apagando o passado de jovens delinqüentes e acaba por transformá-los em assassinos cruéis. Porém, com uma nova perspectiva, Nikita, que agora vive clan- destinamente nos EUA, decide se vingar de todos aqueles que, de um modo ou de outro, foram coniventes com este plano.

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Nikita comentários

This is my favourite tv show. Character development and the action balance is fabulous. Combat scenes are also amazing. Maggie Q is awesome as always. I do know her from the movie Naked Weapon. Im 24 now and I havent had a problem to remember her. Oh the those years! This is an exactly underrated tv show that deserves a great deal of respect. The only thing I dont like in Nikita is, that they used the same actors and actresses for different roles throughout the show. Percys agent who tranquilized the reporter in the 3th episode was also given the role as a bodyguard of Mr. Zoman. He was given so many other roles as well. The bold agent of Percy who lost his key card to Alex in S1, E11 was also given countless of roles. Lizas mother also played as a different character in 2 episodes at least. There are countless examples of this. Though, I must mention that I re-watched Nikita, 6-7 times at least, with my relatives and friends. Even the most careful ones had not been able to recognize till I told them. Because, the first time you watch it, it doesnt cut a swathe.


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