Descriere Batman - Începuturi Română

Batman - Începuturi are în rolurile principale pe Christian Bale (Bruce Wayne / Batman), Michael Caine (Alfred), Liam Neeson (Ducard), Katie Holmes (Rachel Dawes) Acest film este produs de Warner Bros. Pictures, DC, Syncopy, Legendary Pictures, Patalex III Productions Limited . Filmat în următoarele locații: Skaftafell, Iceland . Țările producătoare: United Kingdom, United States of America Genul filmului: Filme Acțiune, Filme Crime, Filme Dramă

Mânat de tragedie, miliardarul Bruce Wayne își dedică viața pentru dezvăluirea și înfrângerea corupției care îi îmbolnăvește casa, Orașul Gotham. Neputând să lucreze în sistem, el creează în schimb o identitate nouă, un simbol al fricii pentru lumea subterană a infracționalității - Omul Liliac (Batman).

Răul se teme de cavaler.

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Actori și actrițe din film Batman - Începuturi Vezi toți actorii

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Cuvinte cheie pentru film
martial arts undercover loss of loved one secret identity crime fighter superhero based on comic rivalry ninja vigilante tragic hero super power haunted by the past evil doctor master villain unfulfilled love inspirational 1980s 1990s 2000s action violence airplane alfred pennyworth character altered version of studio logo anger animal in title apartment assassin attempted rape bar bare chested male based on comic book batcave beating betrayal billionaire birthday brawl brunette brutality buddhist monk building on fire butler car chase car crash cell phone character name in title chase city coming of age conspiracy courage courtroom death deception detective disarming someone disguise doctor dream drugs drunkenness escape evil man exploding building explosion faked death falling down a well falling into a well false identity father son relationship fear ferrari fight fight the system fight to the death final showdown fire fistfight flashback flying ford mustang funeral gadget car gangster good man good versus evil gotham gotham city guilt hand to hand combat handcuffs held at gunpoint henchman hero honor horse hostage hotel husband wife relationship idealism investigation james gordon character justice kidnapping kiss kung fu laboratory law lawyer loner mafia male protagonist man wears eyeglasses manipulation mansion martha wayne character mask millionaire mob boss monk montage mother son relationship motor vehicle moustached man murder necklace neo noir newspaper headline opera organized crime origin of hero orphan party photograph pig pistol playboy poison poison gas police police commissioner police detective police officer policeman poverty prison prison guard prisoner psychiatrist psychopath psychotronic film race against time thief sword snow restaurant shot in the back scientist subjective camera security camera ship two word title violence torture robbery shootout showdown rescue serial killer slow motion scene train villain younger version of character revenge stylized violence training written by director rain social decay thug silencer undercover cop secretary water umbrella title at the end riot redemption servant well staircase tragic villain super villain stethoscope vigilante justice scarecrow character water supply watching tv surveillance trial sword fight shot in the chest suspense surprise ending warrior teacher student relationship waterfall shot to death secret society social commentary swat team woman murders a man lifting a female into the air docks arsonist bulletproof vest cityscape street market bat signal water contamination
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