
„A.D. Biblia continuă” reia de unde s-a oprit miniseria de succes „Biblia”, continuând cea mai grozavă poveste spusă vreodată și explorând evenimentele incitante și inspiratoare care au urmat Răstignirii lui Hristos. Urmărirea imediată a morții lui Hristos a avut un impact masiv asupra discipolilor săi, a mamei sale, a Mariei și a liderilor politici și religioși cheie ai epocii, modificând complet întreaga lume într-o clipă. Începând cu acel moment fatidic al Răstignirii și Învierii, „A.D. Biblia continuă” se va concentra asupra discipolilor care au trebuit să meargă înainte și să răspândească învățăturile lui Hristos într-o lume dominată de tulburări politice și începutul unei religii cu totul noi. care ar remodela dramatic istoria lumii.

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Just let me get something off my chest, I used to work in history and the thing that irritates me the most when I read reviews on things like this are the people yelling Not Historically accurate!!!!! Yeah, youre right, its not historically accurate...its made to entertain. 300 wasnt historically accurate and if it were, it would have been a completely different movie. No, there are some things I take issue with, if you make Othello White, for instance, that I cant stand...or the BBCs Black Achilles. Those are taking a bit too many liberties for me. Achilles isnt exactly Nick Fury, if you make him Black it kind of stops him from being an ancient Greek. That being said, The Bible Continues does kind of do that, but not at all to an extreme. There are a few instances when you are like, really, hes supposed to be an Ancient Greek?...nope, doesnt look the part. But thats few and far between and you get the sense that the decisions were made for pro talent and not to pull a Last Jedi. Moving on....The Bible I absolutely LOVED because of how it was segmented...just long enough to draw you in and short enough not to get dull. it was perfect. This is not done the same way. So you dont have the Earnest Hemingway fear of being boring feel to it and instead you get segments that drag and, in some cases, drag long enough to both feel preachy and get very, very dull. True it is telling a different story, and it is also true that the talent is still there and in spades...but the execution this time around is lacking. The first take the segments hit you fast and kept you entertained...and this one seems drawn out. The best comparisons is North and South where you are watching it, you recognize that it is still good...but that doesnt stop you from getting bored with long parts of it. If you want to sit through isnt bad. But if you want to watch something about Jesus, you have both The Last Temptation of Christ and Jesus Christ Superstar that both deal with the subject matter in a way that doesnt seem to drag. Watch it if its on, you wont be disappointed, but dont go out of your way to catch it, its not worth that amount of effort.


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