The Fanelli Boys is an American sitcom that aired on NBC as part of its 1990-91 prime time schedule. The series was created by the team of Barry Fanaro, Mort Nathan, Kathy Speer, and Terry Grossman, all of whom previously worked on The Golden Girls.
Actori și actrițe din film
Robert Stack
Robert Stack
Robert Langford Modini Stack was a multilingual American actor and television host. In addition to acting in more than 40 films, he also appeared on the television series The Untouchables and later served as the host of Unsolved Mysteries.Born in Los Angeles, California, Stack spent his early childh
Christopher Peter Meloni (born April 2, 1961) is an American actor. He is best known for his role as NYPD Detective Elliot Stabler on the NBC police drama Law & Order Special Victims Unit until 2013, and later reprising the role (as a series regular) on the 2021 spinoff series, Law & Order Organized
Joseph Peter Pantoliano is an American actor who has played over 150 roles across film, television, and theater. He is best known for portraying Ralph Ralphie Cifaretto on the HBO crime drama The Sopranos (1999–2007), for which he won a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Dr
Ned Eisenberg (January 13, 1957 – February 27, 2022) was an American actor known for his recurring role on Law & Order Special Victims Unit as Roger Kressler.
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