Tom McCamus is a Canadian stage, film and television actor, best known for his work as the villainous Mason Eckhart on the science-fiction television series Mutant X, for his award winning performances in the feature films I Love a Man in Uniform and Waking Up Walter The Walter Gretzky Story, and for his supporting role in the Academy Award nominated drama Room. He holds a BFA in Theatre from the University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada.
Sam Burnell
Фильм 1997
Фильм 2002
Radio D.J. (voice)
Фильм 1998
George Barber
Фильм 2000
Henry Adler
Фильм 1993
Фильм 2009
Major Phil Lancaster
Фильм 2007
Фильм 1999
Фильм 1987
Фильм 1989
Фильм 2002
Rembrandt van Rijn
Фильм 1999
Joe Neal
Фильм 2006
Фильм 1995
King John
Фильм 2015
Фильм 2015
Dr. Clerval
Фильм 2003
Paul Scallen / FBI Chief
Фильм 2008
Фильм 1992
Detective Pressman
Фильм 2005
Mr. Schlesinger
Фильм 1995
Leonard Thomas
Фильм 1990
Фильм 2000
Menenius Agrippa
Фильм 2019
Фильм 2019
Edmund Tyrone
Фильм 1996
The Steward
Фильм 2017
Фильм 2006
David Gilberto
Tv 1993
Mason Eckhart
Tv 2001
Jimmy Donnelly
Tv 1994
Frank Edwards
Tv 1987
Tv 2002
Tv 2001
Judge Mitchell Wilson
Tv 2008
Tv 1998
David Craymore
Tv 1996
Tv 2010
Dr. Alan Nealon
Tv 2013
Atticus Rook
Tv 1987
Lord Wingus Eternum (voice)
Tv 2009
Tv 1998
Edmund Tyrone
Tv 1971