Ken Takakura (高倉 健, Takakura Ken), born Gouichi Oda (February 16, 1931, in Kitakyūshū, Fukuoka, Japan), was a Japanese actor best known for his brooding style and the stoic presence he brings to his roles. Takakura gained his streetwise swagger and tough-guy persona watching yakuza turf battles over the lucrative black market and racketeering in postwar Fukuoka. This subject was covered in one of his most famous movies, Showa Zankyo-den (Remnants of Chivalry in the Showa Era), in which he played an honorable old-school yakuza among the violent post-war gurentai.A graduate of Meiji University in Tokyo Takakura happened by an audition in 1955 at the Toei Film Company, and decided to look in. Toei found a natural in Takakura as he debuted with Denko Karate Uchi (Lightning Karate Blow) in 1956. Japan experienced a boom in gangster films in the 1960s as the Japanese people struggled with the generational differences between those raised in pre-war and post-war Japan and these were Takakuras stock and trade. His breakout role would be in the 1965 film Abashiri Prison, and its sequel Abashiri Bangaichi Bokyohen (Abashiri Prison Longing for Home, also 1965), in which he played an ex-con antihero. By the time Takakura would leave Toei in 1976, he had appeared in over 180 films.Takakura gained international recognition after starring in the 1970 war film Too Late the Hero as the cunning Imperial Japanese Major Yamaguchi, the 1975 Sydney Pollack sleeper hit The Yakuza with Robert Mitchum and is probably best known in the West for his role in Ridley Scotts Black Rain (1989) where he surprises American cops played by Michael Douglas and Andy García with the line, I do speak fucking English. He again proved himself bankable to Western audiences with the 1992 Fred Schepisi comedy Mr. Baseball starring Tom Selleck.While he has slowed down a bit in his older years, he is still active. His most recent film was the 2005 Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles by Chinese director Zhang Yimou.Description above from the Wikipedia article Ken Takakura, licensed under CC-BY-SA,full list of contributors on Wikipedia.

Все фильмы доступны из Ken Takakura

Фильмы недоступно из Ken Takakura

The Longest Tunnel

Go Akutsu

Фильм 1982

Black Rain


Фильм 1989

Operation Diamond

Фильм 1962

The Yellow Handkerchief

Yusaku Shima

Фильм 1977

47 Ronin

Kuranosuke Oishi

Фильм 1994

Tokyo Gang Vs. Hong Kong Gang

Фильм 1964

South Pacific Waves Are High

Фильм 1962

A Dead Drifter

Фильм 1959

Never Give Up

Takeshi Ajisawa

Фильм 1978


Isamu Oba

Фильм 1968

The Yakuza

Tanaka Ken

Фильм 1974

Men Fighting Whales

Yosuke Yamagami

Фильм 1957

Riding Alone for Thousands of Miles

Gou-ichi Takata

Фильм 2005

Tokyo Untouchable

Yoshio Harada

Фильм 1962

The Kamikaze Guy

Фильм 1966



Фильм 1983

Bad Angel

Фильм 1960

Mannen Taro and His Feminine Colleagues

Tarô Mannen

Фильм 1961

Mr. Baseball


Фильм 1992

Tenka no Kaidanji Senpū Tarō

Tarō Senpū

Фильм 1961

Railroad Man

Otomatsu Sato

Фильм 1999


Фильм 1963

Red Peony Gambler

Naoki Katagiri

Фильм 1968



Фильм 1976

Main Street in the Underworld

Фильм 1964

An Outlaw


Фильм 1964

A Distant Cry from Spring

Kosaku Tajima

Фильм 1980

Golgo 13

Duke Togo / Golgo 13

Фильм 1973

Hell's Companion

Фильм 1959

Red Peony Gambler: Flower Cards Game

Shogo Hanaoka

Фильм 1969

The Outsiders

Ichitaro Kazamori

Фильм 1958

Tokyo's Business District

Фильм 1962

Brave Red Flower of the North

Фильм 1970

Miyamoto Musashi V: Musashi vs Kojiro

Sasaki Kojiro

Фильм 1965

Mount Hakkoda

Captain Tokushima

Фильм 1977



Фильм 1989

A Fugitive from the Past


Фильм 1965


Eiji Shimakura

Фильм 2012

Contemporary Tales of Chivalry 2

Фильм 1966

Contemporary Tales of Chivalry: The Lone Wolf

Фильм 1966



Фильм 1985

Manchurian Sunset


Фильм 1956

Contemporary Tales of Chivalry 4

Фильм 1967

Brutal Tales of Chivalry 5: Man With The Karajishi Tattoo

Hanada Hidejiro

Фильм 1969

Brutal Tales of Chivalry 7: Hell Is a Man's Destiny

Фильм 1970

Brutal Tales of Chivalry

Seiji Terajima

Фильм 1965

Showdown in Blood

Фильм 1957

If You're Man Enough

Фильм 1960

Abashiri Prison

Shinichi Tachibana

Фильм 1965

Wolves, Pigs & Men

Jiro Kuroki, the second brother

Фильм 1964

All Rascals

Фильм 1962

The Man

Фильм 1971

Karate Cop

Detective Mikami

Фильм 1982

Tokyo Untouchable: Escape

Yoshio Harada

Фильм 1963

The Kanto Scarlet Cherry Gang


Фильм 1972

Uragirimono wa jigoku daze

Фильм 1962

Winter's Flower

Hidetsugu Kano

Фильм 1978

The Firefly

Yamaoka Shuji

Фильм 2001

G-men of Japan 4: Special Armed Unit Mobilization

Фильм 1956

Robert Mitchum: The Reluctant Star

Self (archive footage)

Фильм 1991

The Domain

Фильм 1964

The Homeless

Jokichi Anabuki

Фильм 1974

A Portrait of the Author


Фильм 1984

Too Late the Hero

Major Yamaguchi

Фильм 1970

Contemporary Tales of Chivalry: Forbidden Love

Hidejiro Hanada

Фильм 1971

Lightning Karate Blow

Фильм 1956

Prison Boss

Фильм 1968

Choji Snack Bar


Фильм 1983

The Day the Sun Rose

Фильм 1968

The Path of the King

Ryutaro Fudo

Фильм 1971

The Deep Blue Sea

Фильм 1957


First Lieutenant Kenmochi

Фильм 1967

The Last Kamikaze

Koji Yashiro

Фильм 1970

The Prickly Mouthed Geisha Part 2

Фильм 1960

The Revolt

Keisuke Miyagi

Фильм 1980

With Songs in My Heart

Фильм 1958

The Sand City in Manchuria


Фильм 1960

Prison Walls of Abashiri 4

Shin'ichi Tachibana

Фильм 1965

New Prison Walls of Abashiri

Katsuji Suehiro

Фильм 1968

Flower, Storm and Gangster

'Smiley' Ken

Фильм 1961

Romance Freestyle

Фильм 1958

Four Hours of Terror

Captain Yamamoto

Фильм 1959

Devil's Nursery Rhyme

Kosuke Kindaichi

Фильм 1961

Jet Air Base 101

Jiro Nakata

Фильм 1957

Detective Duel

Фильм 1958

Sister with Sister

Hiroshi Ishioka

Фильм 1958

A Fishwife's Tale

Фильм 1961

Glorious Fights

Ichiro Takita

Фильм 1966

Hishakaku and Kiratsune: A Tale of Two Yakuza

Фильм 1968

The International Gang of Kobe

Masato Dan

Фильм 1975

The Prickly Mouthed Geisha and the Girl of Osaka

Фильм 1962

Ken San


Фильм 2016

365 Nights

Фильм 1962

Feisty Edo Girl Nakanori-san

Kenichi Oka

Фильм 1961

Tales of President Mito

Sukesaburo Sasa

Фильм 1962

Man of the World 2

Фильм 1960

No Advice Taken

Фильм 1958

Outlaw Under a Blue Canopy

Фильм 1960

The Bullet and the Horse

Фильм 1966

Patience Has An End

Isamu Tekada

Фильм 1971

House of Gamblers

Фильм 1970

The Pledge

Фильм 1972

The Prickly Mouthed Geisha, Part 4

Kenichi Hanamura

Фильм 1961

The Prickly Mouthed Geisha, Part 3

Фильм 1960

Black Rain: Making The Film

Self (archive footage)

Фильм 2006

Eleven Gangsters


Фильм 1963

The Second Bullet is Marked

Фильм 1960

Contemporary Tales of Chivalry: The Traitor Shall Die

Фильм 1972

Brutal Tales of Chivalry 6

Фильм 1969

The Chivalrous Life

Ryuma Ibuki

Фильм 1967

New Prison Walls of Abashiri 2

Фильм 1969

Prison Walls of Abashiri 3

Shinichi Tachibana

Фильм 1965

Jakoman and Tetsu


Фильм 1964

Samurai Geisha

Shimada Seikichi

Фильм 1969

Miyamoto Musashi: Birth of Two Sword Style

Sasaki Kojiro

Фильм 1963

Miyamoto Musashi: The Duel at Ichijo Temple

Sasaki Kojiro

Фильм 1964

A Story from Abashiri Prison—Duel in Snow Storm

Shin-ichi Tachibana

Фильм 1967

The Domain: Flower and Dragon

Kingoro Tamai

Фильм 1969

New Prison Walls of Abashiri: Snowbound Deserter

Фильм 1971

Life of Hishakaku

Фильм 1963

Song of Kagoshima

Shuhei Tategami

Фильм 1962

The Drifting Avenger

Ken Kato

Фильм 1968

Yakuza of the Present

Ryoichi Shimaya

Фильм 1973

Beyond the Seasonal Wind

Фильм 1958

Memoir of Japanese Assassinations

Saburo Aizawa

Фильм 1969

Prison Walls of Abashiri, Part 2

Shinichi Tachibana

Фильм 1965

Third Generation Boss

Фильм 1974

New Prison Walls of Abashiri: Stormy Cape

Фильм 1971

Brothers Serving Time

Фильм 1969

Gambler's Legacy

Tsukuda Ginjiro

Фильм 1969

Bloodiest Flower

Фильм 1971

Red Peony Gambler: Second Generation Ceremony

Koji Yashiro

Фильм 1969

Man of Thirteen Eyes

Фильм 1958

Mother Peacock

Фильм 1956

The Escape

Фильм 1962

The Biggest Gamble

Shuzo Honjo

Фильм 1969

The Prickly-Mouthed Geisha Goes to Sado

Фильм 1961

Man of the World

Фильм 1960

The Happy Family

Фильм 1959

The Domain: Kanto Legends of Chivalry

Фильм 1965

Gang Loyalty and Vengeance


Фильм 1963

Great Jailbreak

Ichiro Kozue

Фильм 1975

The Japan Derby Race

Фильм 1970

The Big Boss

Фильм 1963

Lullaby for a Tough Guy

Фильм 1972

Men in a Rough Town

Fumio Sone

Фильм 1959

Storm Party

Фильм 1964

Employee Full of Fight


Фильм 1957

New Prison Walls of Abashiri: The Vagrant Comes to a Port Town

Фильм 1969

Japan's Top Gangster

Kazuo Taoka

Фильм 1973

Abashiri Prison: Duel in Hokkaido

Фильм 1967

Abashiri Prison: Duel in the Snow Country

Фильм 1966

Abashiri Prison: Duel in the South

Фильм 1966

The Boss

Фильм 1965

New Prison Walls of Abashiri: Stray Wolf in Snow

Фильм 1970

Abashiri Prison: Challenge to the Evil

Shin-ichi Tachibana

Фильм 1967

New Prison Walls of Abashiri: High Stakes at Abashiri

Фильм 1970

New Abashiri Prison Story: Honor and Humanity, Ammunition That Attracts the Storm

Фильм 1972

Lady Sen and Hideyori


Фильм 1962

The Domain: The Naniwa Story

Фильм 1965

The Domain: Rising Dragon

Фильм 1970

Showdown of Men

Фильм 1966

The Domain: White Blade

Фильм 1967

The Domain: Severed Relations

Фильм 1968


Фильм 1971

The Domain: Kanda Festival Showdown

Фильм 1966

The Domain: Where The Blade Enters

Фильм 1967

The Domain: Duel at Thunder Gate

Фильм 1966

Path of Japanese Chivalry: Story of All-Out Attack

Фильм 1975

See You

Фильм 1988

A Hoodlum At The Risk Of His Life

Фильм 1970

The Great Road

Фильм 1960

Hell's Juggler

Фильм 1961

Duel of the Underworld

Фильм 1963

Hell's Kitchen

Фильм 1962

Histories of the Chivalrous

Фильм 1968

The Chop Professor

Фильм 1956


Фильм 1970

Gambler Biography

Фильм 1968

The detective whose path was crossed by a snake

Фильм 1995

Meteor Karate Strike

Фильм 1956

A Man's Dark Finger

Фильм 1959

Сериал недоступно из Ken Takakura

Older brother


Tv 1977


Bistro Guest

Tv 1996

An Elegy of Tyrole

Tateishi Jiro

Tv 1992

Korekara: Umibe no Tabibitotachi

Tv 1993