Описание Walk the Proud Land

Walk the Proud Land играет главные роли в Audie Murphy (John Philip Clum), Anne Bancroft (Tianay), Charles Drake (Tom Sweeny), Robert Warwick (Chief Eskiminzin) Этот фильм продюсирует Universal International Pictures . Снято в следующих местах: Old Tucson - 201 S. Kinney Road, Tucson, Arizona, USA . Страны производства: United States of America Жанр фильма: Фильмы Западный

Описание доступно на других языках Walk the Proud Land

fr en de it es pt tr (Movie Translated)

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native american conflict government agent apache territory arizona desert arizona territory army bare chested male bigotry blood brothers desert female female relationship geronimo character male female relationship male male relationship widow romantic rivalry san carlos arizona san carlos reservation arizona settlers reservation police
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