
Лейтенант Коломбо - антипод классического детектива: он рассеян и несовременен, со своим одним глазом явно не тянет на красавца, курит дешёвые сигары, всё время ходит в одном и том же мятом плаще, ездит на разваливающемся «Пежо» и за женщинами не ухлёстывает, потому как давно и беспросветно женат.

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Columbo обзоры

I cant believe there are so few reviews on this, Columbo is one of the defining detectives on television. Hes so low key, so unimposing, and its a pleasure watching him take down all those criminals that think they are are smarter than him, better than him because of, well how little and, well how wrinkled and cheap he appears. Hes the opposite of so many detectives on television these days, the everyman solving crimes. Its just a brilliant approach to a character, and one that is fantastically fun to watch. 13 out of 15 found th


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