
G.I. Joe A Real American Hero is a half-hour American animated television series based on the successful toyline from Hasbro and the comic book series from Marvel Comics. The cartoon had its beginnings with two five-part mini-series in 1983 and 1984, then became a regular series that ran in syndication from 1985 to 1986. Ron Friedman created the G.I. Joe animated series for television, and wrote all four miniseries. The fourth mini-series was intended to be a feature film, but due to production difficulties was released as a television mini-series.

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G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero обзоры

Me and my sister loved this show!!!We were HUGE Cobra fans and didnt really care about G.I. Joe.She loved Zarana and my favourite was Zandar.All the characters in this show were awesome and it was a real classic.Unfortunately Sigma Six kinda ruined Cobra,and G.I. Joe Extreme didnt even HAVE Cobra in it.The original show is the best,and I wish they would make an updated version of it and even a decent video game.

Mario Limbouris

Ключевые слова фильма
based on comic based on toy terrorism gi joe
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