
Мистический вестерн о большой любительнице приключений. Так сложилось, что предок Вайноны был великий Уайетт Эрп, один из тех, кто покорил Дикий Запад. Как и он, девушка обожает пить виски и кутить с друзьями, но если Вайнона чует опасность, она превращается совсем в другого человека – смелую охотницу на нечисть. Никакие демоны её не страшат. Она отважно бросается в бой и отправляет все зловещие создания обратно в ад. Помогают ей в этом её верные друзья – настоящая поисковая команда. С их помощью и благодаря своему особому чутью Вайнона безошибочно определяет порождения другого мира.

Актеры и актрисы из фильма Wynonna Earp Посмотреть всех актеров

Wynonna Earp обзоры

When it first appeared on the scene Wynonna Earp was never going to be sensational. That said its quirky, off beat, B grade mix of horror, in a contemporary Western setting, worked quite well. Regrettably as the series progressed its focus on entertainment seemed, in part, to fall away. Its often clever, occasionally smutty, one liners started to take on a social justice theme that, for me, was both preachy and tiresome. Its lamentable too, because its core ambition as modest but entertaining series had been achieved with a decent following of enthusiastic fans. Suffice to say in my view if something aint broke, dont feel obliged to fix it. 5/10 from me.


When I first saw this, I was really enjoying this show. It was the best show Ive ever seen. Too bad they never returned Dolls. So many twists and turns but it turned out right at the end. Too bad it ended after 4 seasons, even though the season finale provided a poignant ending.


It started off OK, sort of had the promise of being a Buffy in the Wild West feel to it. Maybe Supernatural with a female lead, etc, etc... ... but then it traded entertainment for political pandering. The characters became cliched check marks, the smutty humor drifted away to be replaced with messages of empowerment, messages of leftism, messages of the prevalent political opinions that make movies and TV shows fail. And then it lost all entertainment value and failed. Not a shocker for something that was released just as everything had to push THE MESSAGE


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