История прилежной британской девушки Рэйчел, которая однажды внезапно объявила родителям, что она вышла замуж за американского хиппи.
The Thompson family adjusts to life with new American son-in-law Cuckoo, a self-appointed "spiritual ninja" who quickly settles into the household.
Just as things seem to be settling down for Ken Thompson, a young man from Cuckoo's past shows up at his door and throws his life into disarray again.
In Season 3, life is returning to normal six months after Dale's departure, but he suddenly returns from China to shake up the Thompson family.
Hoping to build a career for himself, Dale gives hospitality a try, while lawyer Ken copes badly with some professional issues of his own in Season 4.
Ken thinks he's hit the big time when he discovers a wealthy half sister he never knew he had, but her fortunes and his hopes are soon reversed.
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