This is an animated sci-fi comedy featuring Chode McBlob, a purple outlaw space captain, and his crew as they adventure throughout space. His crew consists of Six, the ships science officer and Chodes sex robot, TNuk, the ships pilot and cook, Gus, the ships butler and engineer, Whip, the ships foreman, and Bob, the ships AI. Chode and his crew are a for-hire crew whose jobs could range from smuggling to mercenary work to being a legitimate courier, but they frequently take time away from paying work to chase after get-rich-quick schemes. The shows comedy revolves mainly around sex. In addition to sex jokes, there are many references to other science-fiction series throughout the show including but not limited to Star Wars, Star Trek, 2001 A Space Odyssey, and Battlestar Galactica. It also has references to many other novels, movies, and television series in other genres. Other humor involves body humor, puns, wordplay, relationship humor, dysfunctional family humor, and insult humor. Overall, its a fun 20-minute cartoon that works perfectly for watching right before bed or to have on in the background when doing something else.
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