
После смерти Икабода Крейна в одной из битв в войне за независимость на стороне сил генерала Джорджа Вашингтона, Икабод восстаёт из небытия в местечке Сонная лощина штата Нью-Йорк. Одновременно с ним восстаёт из мёртвых всадник без головы, голову которому Икабод Крейн отрубил перед собственной гибелью. Всадник без головы начинает убивать людей и главный герой должен остановить его, действуя совместно с лейтенантом полиции Эбби Миллс.

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I am actually SHOCKED this lasted as long as it did. I really liked it. I thought it was as fun... But it was trying way too hard to be like a lot of the other shows that were on at the time. Grimm being the most popular of the we are going to riff off Supernatural attempted franchises. Only, unlike all the others, Sleepy Hollow was moody, it was atmospheric, it was able to present an actual world that was just a little off from the one we live in. And that counts for a lot. It did the fish out of water time travel trope with class and originality, it felt like something that was very frightening on network television. It felt like a high budget B movie. So, you got the sense that it was doomed for failure from the start as the lesser programs would come to rule.


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