Warehouse 13, SyFy televizyonunda 2009 yılında yayınlanmaya başlanmış bir bilimkurgu, drama dizisidir. Warehouse 13 dizisi, iki gizli servis ajanının Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Başkanı'nı terörist bir saldırıdan kurtardıktan sonra Warehouse 13 (Depo 13) adlı gizli bir departmana transfer edilmeleriyle başlıyor. Güney Dakota'nın ıssız ve gizli bir bölgesinde bulunan bu depoda, devlet tarafından ele geçirilen bir takım garip ve gizemli nesneler incelenmektedir. Bu iki ajanın görevide devlet tarafından istenen bu esrarengiz nesneleri depoya getirmek ve gizemini çözmektir. Ajanlardan Pete, kural tanımaz ve meraklı bir yapıya sahipken ortağı Myka, Pete'in tam aksine kuralcı ve dikkatlidir. Bu iki zıt karakter, bir şekilde birbirlerini tamamlayarak görevlerini sürdürüyorlar.

Filmdeki aktörler ve aktrisler Warehouse 13 Tüm aktörleri görün


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Warehouse 13 yorumlar

Pete, Pete, you want a cookie? It is written as sort of a running gag, but now that I am old enough where the threat of stranger danger and nondiscript white vans offering candy has passed... I can sort of identify with that. Come inside. No. I have cookies. OK. Anyway, this is just FUN. Its sort of Indiana Jones, sort of Friday the 13th The Series, sort of The Librarian kind of fun. And it is all done with the appropriate not too serious humor behind it. I mean, the artifacts in the Warehouse are serious enough to drive the story in the realm of the best Sci-Fi, but they are also humorous enough to appeal to all ages. It is sort of the perfect Science Fiction show for the family. It appeals to kids and adults alike without dumbing things down to the point of being unwatchable like most family friendly fair does these days. And the cast all seems to have more than their fair share of chemistry with one another and do a great job of playing off each other, especially in the way that family can be irritating and loving at the same time. It could have been too dark and ominous to appeal to kids. It could have been to light and slaphappy to appeal to adults... instead it balances perfectly between appealing to both parents and children. It makes me miss when the Sci-Fi channel was making shows that had actual quality in a shared universe. We need that again.


Crazy, over-the-top, wacky, funny good times. Love the great and varied characters and how they play off each other. Yes, its predictable, but so what?


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