Geçirdiği 15 yılın ardından bağlı olduğu tarikattan kaçan Kimmy, New York’ta kendine yeni bir hayat kurmaya çalışır. The Office’den tanıdığımız Ellie Kemper’ın başrolde olduğu dizinin altında, ünlü aktris ve senarist Tina Fey’in imzası var…

Filmdeki aktörler ve aktrisler Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt Tüm aktörleri görün


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Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt yorumlar

When lockdown started, all I had to keep me from going insane was Netflix. And one of the shows I binge watched throughout lockdown was this show. Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt was silly, quirky, and hilarious. Season 1 had me in stitches. Although the next two seasons gave me mixed feelings. However, the final season restored my faith! The final episode was a fitting end, although part of me wouldve wanted to see the Reverend one last time, and maybe see Kimmy reunite with Dong. But other than that, this show was very entertaining. I am glad I saw this.


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