Küçük bir Appalachian kasabasında sıkışıp kalmış genç bir kadının günlük angaryalardan tek kaçışı gelişmiş bilgisayar oyunları oynamaktır. O kadar iyi bir oyuncudur ki bir şirket, onu yeni bir sistemi test etmeye gönderir… Ancak onu bekleyen bir sürpriz vardır. Bu oyun gibi görünen şey bir amaç, aşk ve çekicilik bulma hayallerini gerçekleştirir... Ama ailesini de büyük bir tehlikeye atar.

Filmdeki aktörler ve aktrisler The Peripheral Tüm aktörleri görün


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The Peripheral yorumlar

The real peripheral in this predictably woke series, is men. They are mostly silly creatures, who never grow up. At least, according to the main character and her mother. Yes wo-man power is everything. Men are persistently relegated to menial roles, doing as they are told and fighting battles, for their intellectually superior, female counterparts. Its small wonder the US entertainment industry is circling the proverbial, if they think unfairly denigrating one half of the human race, is going to slip by unnoticed. On the upside, the underlying story is interesting (once you cut past the woke-ness) and the action is well paced and of a reasonable standard. CGI is polished and imaginative, too. Its a shame we dont see a return to entertainment where people play different roles and this incessant gender politicking, is thrown in the waste bin of entertainment history, where I feel it belongs.


Great visuals. Great story. Great series. Looking forward to more fighting and bada$$ery in season two.


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