描述 利刃出鞘 普通话

利刃出鞘 担任主要角色 Daniel Craig (Benoit Blanc), Chris Evans (Ransom Drysdale), Jamie Lee Curtis (Linda Drysdale), Don Johnson (Richard Drysdale) 这部电影的制作者是 Lionsgate, MRC, T-Street . 拍摄地点如下: Borderland State Park - 259 Massapoag Avenue, Sharon, Massachusetts, USA . 生产国家: United States of America 电影类型: 电影 Comedy, 电影 Crime, 电影 Mystery, 电影 Drama

富豪小说家哈兰·斯隆比在自己85岁生日第二天,被发现在自家庄园离奇自杀,遗留了亿万遗产。久负盛名的大侦探布兰科(丹尼尔·克雷格饰)突然被匿名人士雇佣调查此案真相。同时,哈兰的孙子兰森(克里斯·埃文斯饰)也正在秘密调查此案。当布兰科和哈兰·斯隆比家族的其他人对谈时, 他发现事情并没有想象中那么简单。哈兰家族没有表面上那么和睦,每个人都有着不可告人的秘密,每个人都想得到遗产……究竟这起命案是自杀还是他杀?似乎每个人都有嫌疑。随着一位遗产继承人的意外亮相,真相谜底渐渐浮出水面……

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en fr ru it ko es cs pt hu el tr zh pl ro de (Movie Translated)

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immigrant detective massachusetts investigation big family mansion whodunit family home murder mystery neo noir privilege 16 year old boy activist adultery author birthday cake black american businesswoman camp caretaker clue compromising photograph e mail end credits roll call extramarital affair f rated father son conflict female protagonist fired from a job firefighter following someone frame up game grandfather granddaughter relationship infidelity inheritance interview jealousy joint laptop law manipulation medicine midnight murder investigation note nurse old man old woman party police detective police investigation policeman political activist private detective pursuit widow vomiting teenage boy suicide statue reporter writer director producer scheme videotape vomiting on someone secret relationship woman teenage girl writer sister sister relationship usa student teenager working class singing in a car climbing through a window watching a video downpour voice over flashback climbing up a ladder cutting ones throat death by throat cutting audio recording character says im sorry real estate developer manipulative man covering someones mouth throwing up testament disbelief reading a letter aloud woken up by noises 21th century suspected suicide destruction of evidence anti trump film jewish american woman wears a nightgown reading of will middle name
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