描述 死侍2 普通话

死侍2 担任主要角色 Ryan Reynolds (Wade Wilson / Deadpool / Juggernaut (voice)), Josh Brolin (Cable), Morena Baccarin (Vanessa), Julian Dennison (Firefist) 这部电影的制作者是 Maximum Effort, Genre Films, 20th Century Fox, Marvel Entertainment . 拍摄地点如下: Centre Lawn Building, Riverview Hospital, Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada . 生产国家: United States of America 电影类型: 电影 Action, 电影 Comedy, 电影 Adventure

拥有不死之身的死侍韦德·威尔森(瑞恩·雷诺兹 Ryan Reynolds 饰)继续在惩恶扬善、毒舌嘴贱的路上绝命狂奔,与此同时他和女友瓦内莎(莫蕾娜·巴卡林 Morena Baccarin 饰)的爱情逐渐升华,两人全新期待新生命的到来。谁知命运难测,因瓦内莎意外身亡,韦德万念俱灰,绝望地渴求生命的终结。在他最失落的时候,钢力士和少年弹头等将他领走,成为 X 战警中的一员。在某次行动中,死侍因袒护暴走的 14 岁变种人拉塞尔(朱利安·迪尼森 Julian Dennison 饰)而随同对方被关入冰盒监狱。没过多久,来自未来的电索(乔什·布洛林 Josh Brolin 饰)闯入监狱,意图杀死在未来引起无数灾难的拉塞尔。为了阻止电索,逃离监狱的死侍找到一群战友与之对抗,而拉塞尔则朝着黑暗渐渐远去……


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hero superhero mutant mercenary based on comic sequel breaking the fourth wall aftercreditsstinger duringcreditsstinger joyful 2010s absurd comedy absurdism action heroine action violence afterlife attempted suicide body count bowing chinese cocaine disarming someone fighting hologram hong kong hotel room interview irish japanese girl jumping through a window lesbian lesbian couple lgbt man in a wheelchair new zealander number in title obesity oil on the run orphan parody second part taxi vomiting teenage boy suicide showdown supernatural power uniform reporter taxi driver satire superhero team superheroine scene during end credits umbrella wheelchair wagon yakuza street shootout time machine torso cut in half teenage girl teenager tattoo van teddy bear reference to star wars stabbed in the foot east asian girl tray tattooed trash curly hair c word cocaine snorting bust reference to x men tattooed back reference to green lantern colossus character reference to cher deadpool character creaking door anti trump film x men alternate scenes during end credits backwards time travel convoy rotating camera shot afro
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