
Follow the adventures of Steve Austin, cybernetically enhanced astronaut turned secret agent, employed by the OSI, under the command of Oscar Goldman and supervised by the scientist who created his cybernetics, Rudy Wells. Steve uses the superior strength and speed provided by his bionic arm and legs, and the enhanced vision provided by his artificial eye, to fight enemy agents, aliens, mad scientists, and a wide variety of other villains.

电影中的男女演员 The Six Million Dollar Man 查看所有演员



The Six Million Dollar Man 评论

When my friends and I were kids we used to slow motion run because... The Six Million Dollar Man. And, this was taken off the air about the time we were all being born. But thanks to good parenting and re-runs we all knew exactly what it was, and imitated it... ... which had to be great for our parents because (add sound effect) they got to watch us run as slowly as possible and then argue that You didnt shoot me, I was bionic. But it was cool when it first aired. And it is cool today. And, well, its just cool. It was one heck of a fun sci-fi show and, now that it is horribly dated it makes it even more fun to watch.


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