
Libertys Kids is an animated educational historical fiction television series produced by DIC Entertainment, originally broadcast on PBS Kids from September 2, 2002 to April 4, 2003, although PBS continued to air reruns until August 2004. The show has since been syndicated by DiC to affiliates of smaller television networks such as The CW and MyNetworkTV and some independent stations so that those stations can fulfill FCC educational and informational requirements. Since September 16, 2006, the series aired on CBSs new block called KOL Secret Slumber Party on CBS, then it was aired on KEWLopolis, which taking September 12, 2009. In 2008 it ran on The History Channel. The series is currently on the Cookie Jar Toons block on This TV and CBSs Cookie Jar TV. In 2012, Qubo announced the channel will air Libertys Kids in fall 2012. The series was based on an idea by Kevin ODonnell and developed for television by Kevin ODonnell, Robby London, Mike Maliani, and Andy Heyward.

电影中的男女演员 Liberty's Kids 查看所有演员



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