
该剧的时间线设置在帝国陨落后和第一秩序出现前。在远离新共和国掌控的银河系边远星带,讲述一位独行枪手的艰辛奋斗的故事 。恩多战役之后,帝国被推翻、新共和国成立,银河政治格局大变。曼达洛人遭遇了一场灭顶之灾,被残余帝国势力屠杀。幸存者隐居起来,积蓄力量寻求新的崛起。只有主角从事赏金猎人行当,为组织秘密筹措资金。残余帝国势力希望得到这名婴儿,发出赏金招募。曼达洛人找到了婴儿,但最后却拒绝让其落入残余帝国势力之手,与婴儿踏上了流浪旅途。婴儿作为一系列事件的引子,他的身份也成为了一个迷。

电影中的男女演员 The Mandalorian 查看所有演员



The Mandalorian 评论

Great show!


Wow! Just, wow! The Mandalorian is not just a sci-fi, but a western as well. Pedro Pascal was awesome as the titular character. But Baby Yoda was the one who stole the show! Great cast, great cast, great special effects. Just great!


I like this movie. Its excellent.


Well into season 3 its clear that meh strong female lead is going to take the place of Mando, I mean they havent missed an opportunity to have him mess up, get captured just so meh Strong Female Lead can rescue him. And it makes sense. All the Disney shows have been a bait and switch to replace the beloved character for Meh Strong Female Leads. Its a shame. This... well it wasnt good, but it also wasnt bad and for Disney Star Wars not being bad makes the show pretty great. I dont want to say it had potential for greatness, but it also didnt directly attack the fans so it was the best part of Disney Star Wars.


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