Dan Monahan is an American actor, best known for his role as Edward Pee Wee Morris in the 1980s Porkys trilogy of teen films. He also appeared in Only When I Laugh (1981), Up the Creek (1984) and From the Hip (1987).

Všechny filmy dostupné od Dan Monahan

Filmy nedostupný z Dan Monahan


Pee Wee

Film 1981

Porky's Revenge

Pee Wee Morris

Film 1985

The Night Flier

Merton Morrison

Film 1997

Up the Creek


Film 1984

Porky's II: The Next Day

Pee Wee

Film 1983

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Tom Sawyer

Film 1981

Blue Paradise


Film 1980

Only When I Laugh


Film 1981

Baby Geniuses


Film 1999

Shattered Illusions


Film 1998

Romeo and Juliet

Friar Lawrence

Film 2000

The Prince of Pennsylvania

Tommy Rutherford

Film 1988