Dan Monahan is an American actor, best known for his role as Edward Pee Wee Morris in the 1980s Porkys trilogy of teen films. He also appeared in Only When I Laugh (1981), Up the Creek (1984) and From the Hip (1987).

모든 영화는 다음에서 볼 수 있습니다. Dan Monahan

영화 산업 unavailable from Dan Monahan


Pee Wee

영화 1981

Porky's Revenge

Pee Wee Morris

영화 1985

The Night Flier

Merton Morrison

영화 1997

Up the Creek


영화 1984

Porky's II: The Next Day

Pee Wee

영화 1983

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Tom Sawyer

영화 1981

Blue Paradise


영화 1980

Only When I Laugh


영화 1981

Baby Geniuses


영화 1999

Shattered Illusions


영화 1998

Romeo and Juliet

Friar Lawrence

영화 2000

The Prince of Pennsylvania

Tommy Rutherford

영화 1988