
Eine Familie gerät nach dem Tod des Patriarchen in einen Machtkonflikt. Dieser hinterlässt ein Diamantenimperium – und die Haushälterin, die er kürzlich geheiratet hat.

Schauspieler und Schauspielerinnen aus dem Film The Decameron Alle Schauspieler anzeigen


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The Decameron Bewertungen

Who would have thought 14th century Europe, especially the nobility, was so ethically diverse? Oh, thats right, it wasnt and they werent. Putting aside the obvious historical ineptitude, does this function as actual comedy? Not really. It feels forced, delivering a dull dearth of simplistic humour and a sprinkling of ribald nonsense. Any upside? Well its Netflix, so setting, costumes and production values are of a high standard but really thats about it, as far as I can see. In summary, looks good but scratch the surface and its unconvincing and mostly, unfunny.


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