
An animated musical comedy about the Tillermans, a family that lives in a castle in Central Park. Owen, the park manager, and Paige, his journalist wife, raise their kids Molly and Cole in the world’s most famous park, while fending off a hotel heiress, Bitsy Brandenham, who would love nothing more than to turn the park into condos.

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It was a lot good than I though. I really enjoyed it. Great songs, some of them funny, and a great cast - especially Josh Gad, Titus Burgess and Stanley Tucci). Central Park was a witty, charming and humorous animated TV show. Netflix might have a rival with Apple TV.


There is clearly too much singing... It reminds more of a musical. 😑


Λέξεις-κλειδιά ταινίας
work musical adult animation
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