
Starsky y Hutch, una pareja de policías particularmente expeditivos, trabajan a las órdenes del singular capitán Harold Dobey, un tipo que además regenta un club nocturno. Patrullando las calles en su "Zebra Three" un llamativo Ford Gran Torino rojo, la pareja combate el crimen sin descanso.

Actores y actrices de la película. Starsky y Hutch Ver todos los actores


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Starsky y Hutch opiniones

I admit its been a long time since Ive watched Starsky And Hutch, which makes it a little hard to review. But thinking back to watching the show as it aired for the first time I remember it had a huge impact on me. I was 12 years old at the time so I was easily influenced. But this was probably the first time I saw the real value in friendship and dedication to that friendship above all else. Not to mention being obsessed with a damn cool tomato red Gran Torino! It might be time for a rewatch.


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