
Несдержанный Старски и высокообразованный Хатч — полицейские в штатском, борющиеся с наркодилерами, грабителями и другими головорезами. В этом им помогают их красный Торино 1974 года и информатор Хагги Бир.

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Старски и Хатч обзоры

I admit its been a long time since Ive watched Starsky And Hutch, which makes it a little hard to review. But thinking back to watching the show as it aired for the first time I remember it had a huge impact on me. I was 12 years old at the time so I was easily influenced. But this was probably the first time I saw the real value in friendship and dedication to that friendship above all else. Not to mention being obsessed with a damn cool tomato red Gran Torino! It might be time for a rewatch.


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