
De J.J. Abrams (Fringe, Lost, Revolution, Person of Interest) e de J.H. Wyman (Fringe), chega Almost Human, uma série de ação que se passa em 35 anos no futuro, quando policiais têm como parceiros robôs muito evoluídos e bastante parecidos com humanos. Neste cenário, a série acompanha John Kennex, um policial que sobreviveu a um dos ataques mais catastróficos já feitos à polícia e que volta à delegacia, 17 meses depois de sair de um coma, lembrando-se apenas que seu parceiro foi morto. Agora, ele deve trabalhar com um robô, sendo que não é exatamente um grande fã dessa tecnologia. No entanto, o androide com quem Kennex vai trabalhar - Dorian, de uma linha descontinuidada - é muito mais especial do que aparenta.

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Almost Human comentários

Its disappointing that this show didnt make to past one season. Its one of the best SciFi series I have watched. The stories are actually believable and intelligently constructed. The effects are well done. The action scenes are edge of your seat stuff. A very entertaining show!


The phrase Destined for Failure comes to mind. You really cant make a show like this for network television and expect it to last. The production values are too high to justify it. It needs to be on a premium channel to justify the cost. But then... it didnt last long enough to be canceled for cost cutting reasons. People just, well, in 2013 it seemed like Sci-Fi was failing everywhere. It was like America just wasnt in the mood for it, and back when Almost Human dropped it wasnt cool to be a Geek yet. Only... the show was pretty awesome, I mean we have seen it before when it was a movie and stared Harrison Ford, but to make an entire TV show with that concept was pretty amazing. It had a ton of potential. It was an excellent outing. It was just released when people werent interested in Science Fiction.


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