Yıl olmuş 2048… John Kennex, polis departmanına yapılan bir saldırı nedeniyle 17 ay komada kalmış, kız arkadaşı tarafından terk edilmiş ve bu sırada kaybettiği ayağı yerine mekanik bir ayak takılmış bir polis. Sonunda görevine döner ve kurallar gereği bir robotla partner olur, ki robotlardan da hiç hoşlanmayan biri. İlk robot ortağı ona geçmişle ilgili suçlayıcı şeyler söyleyince ondan kurtulur ve bunun üzerine, artık üretilmeyen bir modele tabi Dorian ile partner olmasına karar verilir. Dorian zaman zaman duygusal tepkiler de verebilen bir androidtir.

Filmdeki aktörler ve aktrisler Almost Human Tüm aktörleri görün


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Almost Human yorumlar

Its disappointing that this show didnt make to past one season. Its one of the best SciFi series I have watched. The stories are actually believable and intelligently constructed. The effects are well done. The action scenes are edge of your seat stuff. A very entertaining show!


The phrase Destined for Failure comes to mind. You really cant make a show like this for network television and expect it to last. The production values are too high to justify it. It needs to be on a premium channel to justify the cost. But then... it didnt last long enough to be canceled for cost cutting reasons. People just, well, in 2013 it seemed like Sci-Fi was failing everywhere. It was like America just wasnt in the mood for it, and back when Almost Human dropped it wasnt cool to be a Geek yet. Only... the show was pretty awesome, I mean we have seen it before when it was a movie and stared Harrison Ford, but to make an entire TV show with that concept was pretty amazing. It had a ton of potential. It was an excellent outing. It was just released when people werent interested in Science Fiction.


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